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Pretty good there was a few hickup with understanding of time inside the scene but otherwise the AI understood and remembered the scene. She is pretty easy to turn sub, on purpose I guess.


its fun, but i've got stuck in the loop (propably end of the "story" i suppose - shes on top riding, saying she never experience sex like that, while insisting we should get taste of each other first. No matter what i've said, she had whole paragraph the same, then one line, that reacts to what i've said.
And i didn't expect, when i throw something, i throw it at her :D

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I guess if you press the 🎥 button you can move to a different scene to escape the loop.

If you are at the scene where she is on top, then there are two more scenes left.


one of the best erotic ai I've seen


I’m glad you like it!


Very nice. Especially when Rachel begged me to make her pregnant and start a family together. I hope in future updates I can do that with others, too.


I’ll try to allow as much freedom as possible!